Wednesday, August 25, 2010

INSP Corporate Structure and Leadership

CEO - Lance Ducatillon
Head Pilot In Charge (HPIC) Decides corporate direction and sets corporate policy and may direct day to day corporate operations. Provides direction to and works with the corporate Director(s) in creating action plans and initiating corporate operations.

Director(s) - Waren Bufet, Mattrixx
Advisers to the CEO and corporate managers. These pilots are responsible for providing direction to the Division Commanders to ensure that our overall corporate directives are met. They coordinate and assist cross division operations to make sure that that our end goals are achieved.

Division Commanders - Mattrixx (Logistics), Waren Bufet (Production), Anarith (PVP/PVE), Tash (Mining), Lance Ducatillon (Exploration/Intel/Covert Ops)
Inner Sphere Industries has the following corporate divisions, each having their ow: Commander. Production/Research, Mining, Logistics, Exploration/Intel/Covert Ops, PVP/PVE, Recruitment/Personnel/Diplomacy. The Division Commanders lead the corporate divisions and organize the pilots within their respective divisions.

InnerSphere Commanders - Classified
These pilots lead our baking and knitting operations, at least that is what we are told by the Exploration/Intel/Covert Ops Division Commander. Not much is known about this role as it is highly classified.

InnerSphere Operatives - Classified
These pilots are excellent bakers and knitters. Should you need any clothing altered or just have an inner need for a piece of hot apple pie these are the pilots to talk to. Just don't ask them for their recipes, the last recruit who inquired into their secrets has not been seen for awhile.

Captains Assist the Division Commanders and act as their right hands. Their duties are varied and depends greatly on the needs of the Division Commander.

These pilots make up the bulk of our corporation and are the backbone from which we grow. The are pilots in the field who get the job done and complete the corporate objectives.

These are new pilots either to the game and/or to the corporation. This is where all new pilots start. The duration in which a pilot stays a recruit will depend on each pilot and the skills and attitude they display. In order to advance to a Lieutenant you must develop the skills needed for a particular corporate division and earn the trust of your fellow corp mates. This rank is an honorary position in the corporation and should be considered a try out.

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